Bright Spark Electrical Apprentice Makes Industry Competition Final

Tuesday 5th March 2024

First year student and JTL apprentice Cole Galligan has made his mark on the electrical services industry, becoming the only first year in the country to make it to the Aico Apprentice of the Year Final.

Cole beat out over 100 other applicants to make it to the final twelve of the competition, and he will discover later this month if he’s one of six selected finalists to be invited to Aico’s prestigious Community Awards event held at The International Convention Centre in Birmingham in April.

In order to make it to the final, Cole was put through his paces assembling a challenging electrical ring circuit, wire a 2 way and intermediate lighting circuit, bend steel conduit at ninety degrees and install a smoke alarm under a four-hour time limit.

Cole, who began developing electrical skills at thirteen years old working with his Dad, said, “I am so honoured to have had the opportunity to compete in this competition to build and showcase my skills.”

Electrical Installation lecturer at Loughborough College, James Taylor was full of praise for Cole sharing, “For Cole to compete against, and outperform older apprentices around the UK is testament to his hard work and dedication. We are all so proud of what he has achieved and have every confidence for his success at the final in April.”

Aico, the European market leader in Home Life Safety alarms, presented all twelve finalists with a full state-of-the-art electrician’s tool kit. A further prize worth over £1,500 is on offer to the outright winner, who will be announced at the Community Awards event in April.

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Electrical Installation