In your final year, you’ll design and carry out an individual research
project and study in-depth issues in sport and exercise science in a subject
area of your choice. You will also complete more in-depth modules exploring the
key areas of interdisciplinary approaches to sport and exercise science.
With many practical and hands-on learning experiences, your contact days will
involve hands-on learning in our specialist practical facilities.
- The fully equipped Strength and Conditioning and rehabilitation suite
features Olympic weightlifting platforms and an anti-gravity
- A Biomechanics Suite with a Qualisys 3D motion capture analysis
- State-of-the-art physiology lab allowing for environmental manipulations,
physiological analysis, and performance testing.
- A Foresight golf simulator with video analysis performance data
- Performance analysis suite allowing for live, real-time capturing and
analysis of sports events.
- World-class sports training facilities, including sports halls and
artificial pitches.
Our highly experienced industry experts and academics will guide you through
your learning, including lectures, seminars, online activities, practical
activities, laboratory skills, peer-group learning and independent study.
You will undertake various assessments, including professional discussions,
practicals, portfolios, consultations, essays, and presentations.