Intermediate Apprenticeship (Level 2) Early Years Practitioner

Role overview
This occupation is found in a range of private and public settings including; full day care, children’s centres, pre-schools, reception classes, playgroups, nursery schools, home based provision, hospitals, social care settings, out of school environments and local authority provision to deliver the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) requirements set by government for the learning, development and care of children from birth to 5 in both indoor and outdoor environments.
The broad purpose is to ensure that you can work and interact directly with children on a day to day basis supporting the planning of and delivery of activities, purposeful play opportunities and educational programmes within the ethos of the setting. An EYP works as part of a professional team ensuring the welfare and care for children under the guidance and supervision of an Early Years Educator, teacher or other suitably qualified professional the Early Years Workforce.
Entry requirements
We require all applicants to have GCSE grades 2/E or above in English and Maths or to demonstrate with ability to work at this level
If an Apprentice has not already achieved Level 2 (GCSE 2/E or above) English & Maths they must: - Study for and achieve Functional Skills Level 1 English & Maths at the college by attending classes at Loughborough College and then be working towards Level 2 attainment prior to taking the end point assessment.
Qualifications obtained
- L2 Apprenticeship Standard in Early Years Practitioner
- L2 Diploma for the Early Years Practitioner
- L2 Functional Skills English and Maths (if required).
Programme includes
Regular formative assessment, development of a portfolio demonstrating learning and development activities with their application in the workplace and a work-based project. As part of the qualification, Apprentices must complete all units and be competent in real work environment.
- Work in partnership with other colleagues, parents and/or carers or other professionals to meet the individual needs of each child in line with company policies and procedures
- Use play to support children to understand and encourage healthy life choices
- Identify issues of safeguarding and child protection, ensuring that the welfare and safety of children is promoted and safeguarded and to report any child protection concerns to the person in charge
- Carryout self-reflection and use continuous professional development opportunities to improve practice
- Undertake specific tasks related to the safety and hygiene of the children and the cleanliness of the setting
- Use their knowledge of child development to work with parents and carers to improve children outcomes and wellbeing, including those with disabilities and additional needs
- Contribute to the planning and organise activities and children’s individual experiences which will support and extend the children’s learning in line with the Early Years Foundation Stage
- Communicate and engage with children to support their learning and development
- Support the collection of accurate and upto-date records which identify children’s individual needs, abilities and progress and use these as a basis for future planning
- Support the wellbeing of all children including those with additional needs and disabilities.
Where can you work?
- Assistant Childminder
- Early Years Practitioner
- Nanny and Early Years Worker
- Nursery Assistant
- Nursery Nurse
- Nursery Practitioner.
Key information
Enrolment is roll on roll off all year round, based in the workplace.
Awarding organisation
- End Point Assessment Organisation (EPAO) of choice is NCFE
Progression opportunities
- L3 Early Years Educator
Additional information
The delivery of this apprenticeship is carried out in the workplace with optional support sessions held at Loughborough College if required.